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Saturday, January 15, 2011


Sometimes I like to pretend I am a cat

I think I am slightly going crazy. Waiting to move is the most difficult thing.
Everyday you have a new emotion about it, then at times you have conflicting emotions and then you think about them to long because well what else are you going to do while you wait to move!
9 days
Huuuuurrryyy Up please!

365 Project-Day 15

Spent the day today wandering West Edmonton Mall with my awesome friend Mr. Brown. We hit up the T&T Market and bought random food and sushi.

We also watched a bit of the sea lion show, man that sea lion had it down. I wonder what is in those fish they feed them.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

365 Project-Day 13

New Hair
not very possible taking a picture of your whole head with a 50mm while holding the camera..unless you have super long arms I guess.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

365 Project-Day 12

Packing once again
I feel like I just unpacked everything!
Can't wait to get back to Ottawa though!
12 Days :D

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

365 Project-Day 9

This is a parasol that Chorn got me from China town in Toronto. it's so sweet. Ive wanted to do a photo shoot using it since I got it. I've been thinking harajuku girl since I have the perfect shoes for that as well

365 Project-Day 8

So I have a bit of a dolphin collection. My dad randomly started buying me dolphins from the different places he has been. This one here is from Afghanistan. I am glad I was able to capture the colours painted on to it.