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Friday, November 12, 2010

30 Day Project-Day 12

Day 12- a picture of something I love

I love leopard print and I love cats. to me this is the greatest creature of all time, a leopard spotted house cat! They are called Bengal cats and are a hybrid breed. I want one so bad, but they are silly expensive. one day my pretty feline, one day

Thursday, November 11, 2010

30 Day Project- Day 11

Day 11-a picture of something I hate

I hate this album, it drives me insane
Fuck Muse.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

30 Day Project- Day 10

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.

This is Kyle, my boyfriend, and I during one of our lovely skype dates. I couldn't think of anyone I do weirder messed up things with. we're pretty gross...luckily for the rest of society we know how to tone it down in public because if we didn't most people would probably be really weird-ed out or repulsed by some of our activities such as farting noises, drunk ruckus', gross/ hilarious make outs. We kind of get a bit ridiculous, sometimes we push it even to far for ourselves. I'm so lucky that my boyfriend is the one person I can let all the weird out with haha. love you

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

30 Day Project- Day 9

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

I would have to say hands down my family has gotten me through the most

Monday, November 8, 2010

30 Day Project- Day 8

Day 8- a picture that makes me laugh

I wanted to post a picture of my own that made me laugh so I spent some time going through my pictures on my computer and came across 2 pictures that were taken right after one another. I felt like they had to be shared together. These are 2 of my best friends Ian and Neil, these photos were taken during a game of Kings haha the first time these 2 ever played the game...I think you can tell they didn't do so well at the game. I miss you guys. you never cease to make me laugh

Sunday, November 7, 2010

30 Day Project- Day 7

Day 7- a picture of my most treasured item

This is a picture of my baby blanket <3 Ive had it with me all my life and swear I will have it on my deathbed. I remember when I was a little kid how i would curl up so it was covering all of me, or how i would braid and knot the ribbons, or how I would suck on it and think it tasted good haha. I would make it into a cape or dress, lay it out and play with my stuffed animals on it certain ones would have to sit on certain sides. Originally when I thought of my most treasured item I thought of my camera for obvious reasons, but I don't have any real sentimental connection to my camera, I would be more then happy to have a different, better camera. I figured I should pick something that is irreplaceable to me. What is your most treasured item?